Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tears, I mean, Bananas on my Pillow...


Our youngest son is an early riser. Thankfully he usually snuggles with us in bed and falls asleep for another much needed hour or so.  But sometimes he doesn't and is wide awake and raring to go at 6am.

This was one of those mornings. But alas, in an effort to be considerate, my hubby, who was getting up to go to work anyway,  got him a banana, turned the TV on low and put him back in bed next to me.

Most moms will automatically see the red flag in the above situation. Yes, I woke up to a half a squished banana on my pillow and also discovered that, if in dire need, banana makes pretty good hair gel. 

Thank you, well intention-ed hubby and messy two year old!

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