Thursday, December 29, 2011

I wish it were only about cookies!

It seems like the contrast between toddler and teen is becoming more apparent to me.

After explaining to the toddler that he can't sustain life on cookies alone, I'm making a more conscience effort to make sure he looses the cookie addiction. Which is difficult since he's already letting the sweet goodness control him and tempt him into doing naughty things. Like sneak a cookie and stick it in his mouth really fast thinking that once it's in I won't be so brazen as to take it from him. Of course he's sadly mistaken!

Along the same line but on a much more serious vein...having to start the heavy conversation about what kids have tried and/or are selling drugs that my teens have come into contact with since we moved to California. Making another conscience effort to make sure I know who they know and where they are going and who they're with at all times. Keeping an open dialogue with them so they can approach me about anything and everything. Even though they think I'm repeating myself, which I am, that they get the point that they can come out the other side of being a teenager without being influenced but rather being influential.

My nightly prayer for all my boys...that they would stay on the path that God has laid out before them, that they would have strength to resist temptation and that they would grow in wisdom and strength and in the favor of God and men. Also, that the Lord would send an army of angels to have charge over them and the Holy Spirit would be that still small voice that leads them down the paths of righteousness.


  1. Karen,
    I'm thrilled to discover your blog and absolutely love the title!Your prayer is exquisite and Biblical--AMEN!

  2. Thanks John...boy being a parent is not an easy job!
