Friday, January 6, 2012

47% is not a passing grade

Don't worry, I'm not talking about my sons grades in school. They both are very good students. I'm referring to my grade, not as a mother but rather as an aficionado in metalcore music.

And don't think I'm slacking on my studies either. I'm listening to it right now. It's loud, aggressive, and screaming in parts. My sons quiz me on a regular basis as they take over the car stereo with their music. 

"Mom, who's this?" they'll ask. 
"Um, Devil Wears Prada?" I reply without one ounce of confidence. 
"No! They've got more screaming, this has some screaming and some singing." 
"Oh, Ok" and I make a mental note.  

Sometimes I'll throw myself out there and make a guess without being prodded. 

"This is August Burns Red, right?"

"No, they're screaming is deeper."

"Oh, Ok" Another mental note.

I am proud to say that I know most of the band Acronyms...TDWP, ABR, MIW, ADTR, OMAM, A7X. I think I'd probably score about an 87% on acronyms but they don't quiz me on these for some reason. They know I'd kick butt. 
I've always promoted their love of music, even if it's not my favorite genre. I even encouraged my husband to take my eldest to his first hardcore concert the night before I went into to labor with Special K, (Kaleb's pet name). My husband has taken both boys to several concerts and watched them head bang their necks into self induced whiplash. 

When I discovered that the drummer for TDWP (The Devil Wears Prada, for all those without metal head sons!) I drove them over an hour away and waited for him to show up to sign autographs at a drum shop. He was a super nice guy proving you shouldn't judge a heavily tattooed and ear gauged band member before you meet them! Plus many of the bands are Christians! 

Bottom line...I want to make sure that I foster the passion my sons have in whatever it is they love; regardless of my own preferences. In order to stay connected to them, I will show genuine interest in the things that interest them. I'll caveat this by saying as long as it's not immoral, illegal or goes against our family code of ethics which come directly from the Bible.  


Photos are of each son with Daniel Williams of The Devil Wears Prada...look how excited they were!


  1. Ohhh how we love this post! Photos of those handsome guys and peering into the heart of a conscientious mom who's battling to stay balanced amidst a wild world. Hugs and prayers from the Rockies!!

  2. Those photos were only take in 2010 and the boys look so young. Boy does time fly. Thanks for following! (and your encouraging words!)
