Sunday, January 8, 2012

Family Dynamics

I run into this exact scenario whenever I meet someone new.  It goes something like this:

I'm with Kaleb at the park or library or store and strike up a light conversation with another mom.
"Is he your only child?"
"No, I actually have two teenage sons at home!"

To which I see the mental wheels spinning as they try to figure out my family dynamics. I know what they are thinking...
"Must be a second marriage baby"

So I find my self interrupting their train of thought to explain that Kaleb was our 'surprise' and that we're so blessed to have him. And then we go into the 'how helpful the older boys must be' conversation.

Even as my husband and I met with the OB when we first found out we were expecting he asked "Same dad for all three pregnancies?"

What's up with that? It's a sad state when the furthest thing from peoples minds would be that you were happily married and just had a large gap in between kids.

Me and my wide gapped family! We're at Salvation Mountain in Niland, CA


  1. Karen, a great post and dose of reality!
    Today people rarely see healthy,
    happy families. You're a wonderful example
    to all!!

  2. Aww, Thanks. We're far from perfect but we try. :)
